We are always looking for shows in all genres - docu-reality, reality-competition, lifestyle. Please follow the guidelines below to submit your idea!
Is your show idea the next big hit?

We will soon be updating this area with a way to automatically fill out your information and submit your show idea. In the meantime, please follow the instructions below:
PLEASE NOTE: We do not accept unsolicated program submissions, including casting tapes, show ideas and scripts unless they are accompanied by a submission release form which can be obtained by clicking the link on the right or e-mailing preeti@go4johnny.com. Otherwise, you must be represented by an attorney, established production company, or agent. We also recommend you register your work with the WGA. Thanks!

Go to the The WGA Registry Website: www.wgaregistry.org.
Clicking the link below opens the Submission Release Form as a PDF document. Please send/e-mail in your form with any accompanying materials you would like us to review, such as a show synopsis or link to a sizzle reel, to pitch@go4johnny.com :